Mendon Plans May Day– Mendon’s annual May Day celebration that goes back in tradition one-hundred years, will be held this year on Saturday, May 7th, on the lawn by the school. Kristine Sorensen will be crowned Queen of May by Gene Hiibner at ten-thirty a.m. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. T. Kay Sorensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hiibner. The winding of the maypole will follow the coronation, and a program will be presented in the cultural hall of the new chapel. In charge of the celebration are members of the Sunday school superintendency, Merlin H. Yonk, Lemuel Earl, Sr. and Fred D. Bowen.
Members of the queen’s court include Peggy Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jensen; Paul R. Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Willie; Sheila Yonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Yonk; Todd Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Olsen; Sherrie Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Baker; James Bodily, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned J. Bodily; Elyse Earl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Earl, Sr.; Douglas Larsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Larsen. Craig Sorensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sorensen, will be the crown bearer, and Jana Christiansen, daughter of Mrs. Florene Christiansen, will be the flower girl.
During the afternoon there will be a children’s dance starting at two-thirty p.m., sports events and a baseball game. A dance at nine p.m. will conclude the day’s activities. The Mendon Orchestra will play for both dances. Margene Willie, June Bowen and Lorna Ladle are in charge of the maypole dancers and Mozelle Sorensen is accompanist.
Picture Caption– Merlin H. Yonk, superintendent of Mendon Sunday school and Fred D. Bowen, second counselor along with Lemuel Earl, Sr., first counselor who was absent for the picture, are in charge of the annual May Day celebration on May 7th.
Picture Caption– Kristine Sorensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kay Sorensen, will be crowned Queen of May at Mendon’s annual celebration this Saturday. Her attendants are, from left, Peggy Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jensen; Sheila Yonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Yonk; Sherrie Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Baker; Elyse Earl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Earl, Sr. Maypole dance will be at ten-thirty a.m.
Picture Caption– Junior members of the Mendon May Day Court are Craig Sorensen, crown bearer and Jana Christiansen, daughter of Mrs. Florene Christiansen, flower girl. The crowning of the queen and the maypole dance will be at ten-thirty a.m. on Saturday, May 7th, on the lawn near the school.
Printed May Day Program– "Hello De Ho! Hello De Hay! Hurrah For The Merry Month Of May." May 7th, 1966, ten-thirty a.m., Crowning of the Queen, Kristine Sorensen by her Consort Gene Hiibner. Queens Attendants and Partners: Elyse Earl with Douglas Larsen, Sheila Yonk with Todd Olsen, Sherry Baker with James Bodily, Peggy Jensen with Paul R. Willie. Crown bearer, Craig Sorensen, flower girl, Jana Christiansen. Singing of the May Day Songs will be led by T. Kay Sorensen. Accompanist, Mozelle Sorensen. Dance Directors, Margene Willie, June Bowen, Lorna Ladle. The May Day dresses; Nan Earl and Blanche Yonk. The twenty-two Maypole Dancers for 1966—
The program will be held following the maypole dance, in the chapel. The featured speaker will be Fern Buist. Afternoon Events: two-thirty p.m., children’s dance, games and races, ball game (Little League); nine p.m., adult dance in the cultural hall. "Oh, what a nice way, to celebrate a day, in the lovely Month of May!" The Mendon Ward Sunday school superintendent hopes you have a good time and extend a word of thanks to everyone who helped make this day a success. Merlin H. Yonk, Fred D. Bowen and Lemuel Earl, Sr.
There was a Printed May Day program for this year.